Laser-Driven Superradiant Ensembles of Two-Level Atoms near Dicke Regime


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We report the experimental observation of a superradiant emission emanating from an elongated dense ensemble of laser cooled two-level atoms, with a radial extent smaller than the transition wavelength. In the presence of a strong driving laser, we observe that the system is superradiant along its symmmetry axis. This occurs even though the driving laser is orthogonal to the superradiance direction. This superradiance modifies the spontaneous emission, and, resultantly, the Rabi oscillations. We also investigate Dicke superradiance in the emission of an almost fully inverted system as a function of the atom number. The experimental results are in qualitative agreement with ab-initio, beyond-mean-field calculations.
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Key words
superradiant ensembles,laser,two-level
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