Biostratigraphy and paleobiogeography of the Early-Middle Miocene ostracods and foraminifera from the northern part of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt

Journal of African Earth Sciences(2021)

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The present study deals with the Miocene ostracods and foraminifera obtained from a subsurface section of GS78-1 well, that is located in the northern Gulf of Suez, Egypt with a special focus on the taxonomy and paleobiogeographic significance of the recorded ostracods. Lithostratigraphically, the examined section was subdivided into Rudeis Formation and Kareem Formation. Among the ostracod and foraminiferal assemblages twenty five ostracod species and fifty nine foraminiferal species (45 benthic and 14 planktonic) were identified. The age was basically assumed relying on the existence of four planktonic foraminiferal biozones: Globigerinoides altiaperturus Zone (Burdigalian), Trilobatus trilobus Zone (Burdigalian), Praeorbulina glomerosa Zone (late Burdigalian - Langhian) and Orbulina suturalis Zone (Langhian). The multivariate analyses of the recorded ostracods distinguished three bioprovinces; one of them called the South Tethyan bioprovince (STP) and comprises Egypt, Libya and Algeria. The second province, called the North Tethyan bioprovince (NTP), involves Spain, Malta and Greece, while the third one called the Central Paratethys bioprovince (CPP), including Croatia, Poland and Romania. It is clear that, the majority of the Egyptian Miocene ostracods are commonly similar with those documented from other Tethyan regions reflecting a good marine linkage throughout the Miocene.
Ostracods,Foraminifera,Miocene,Paleobiogeography,Gulf of suez,Egypt
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