Quantitative Structural Imaging Of Keratoconic Corneas Using Polarization-Resolved Shg Microscopy


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The human cornea is mainly composed of collagen fibrils aligned together within stacked lamellae. This lamellar structure can be affected in pathologies such as keratoconus, which is characterized by progressive corneal thinning and local steepening. In this study, we use polarization-resolved second harmonic generation (P-SHG) microscopy to characterize 8 control and 6 keratoconic human corneas. Automated processing of P-SHG images of transverse sections provides the collagen orientation in every pixel with sub-micrometer resolution. Series of P-SHG images recorded in the most anterior region of the stroma evidence sutural lamellae inclined at 22 degrees +/- 5 degrees to the corneal surface, but show no significant difference between control and keratoconic corneas. In contrast, series of P-SHG images acquired along the full thickness of the stroma show a loss of order in the lamellar structure of keratoconic corneas, in agreement with their defective mechanical properties. This structural difference is analyzed quantitatively by computing the entropy and the orientation index of the collagen orientation distribution and significant differences are obtained along the full thickness of the stroma. This study shows that P-SHG is an effective tool for automatic quantitative analysis of structural defects of human corneas and should be applied to other collagen-rich tissues. (C) 2021 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
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Key words
keratoconic corneas,shg microscopy,quantitative structural imaging,polarization-resolved
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