Medical-Health Recommendations For The Serie A League

M. Casasco,S. Pecorelli,A. Corsini,F. De Ferrari, M. Galli,M. Memo, L. Mori,G. Novelli, C. Signorelli, A. Verzeletti, F. Pigozzi


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Given the most recent epidemiological data and in view of the increasing spread of the Sars-CoV-2 virus in society as a whole and the world of sport in particular, the following medical and health recommendations are proposed to implement the FIGC regulations, approved by the CTS and already in place for professional soccer and the LEGA Serie A, in order to: 1) protect the health of individual players and the team group and reduce the risk of contracting the Sars-CoV-2 virus for all members and employees of Serie A Clubs by means of periodic and preventive monitoring; 2) reduce the spread of the virus from within the group to the general public, by taking social responsibility; and 3) standardize management of the testing, transport, analysis and reporting process of the system. In order to pursue these objectives and optimize the recommendations set out below, it is necessary: 1) to identify a single company/central laboratory to contact in order to guarantee a consistent method in the management of the testing, transport, analysis and reporting processes of molecular swabs (PCR). All Serie A clubs shall refer to this company/central laboratory, recognizing its exclusive status for the execution of such processes; 2) to identify a contact authority available 24h (with dedicated email and telephone) within Serie A for the coordination and management of every need and/or emergency; 3) for the Ministry of Health to activate a contact figure to coordinate and oversee each local ATS/ASL so as to guarantee that clubs receive uniform indications and provisions and to act as interface for the entire professional system. This central figure will delegate the management of everyday business to the various local ATS/ASLs, receiving constant, up-to-date feedback; and 4) to urge the Ministry of Health to adopt uniform procedures within the National Health System (local ATS/ASLs) in matters of management of players who test positive a second time after announcing their recovery and management of players who, in contact quarantine, are called up to the national team or who return from it. The FMSI may also make its DCOs available, as an opportunity to be agreed with the FIGC and the AIA, to perform rapid antigen tests on the refereeing group 2 hours before a game. The following recommendations are subject to review considering new scientific and epidemiological evidence.
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Sports, Sars-CoV-2, Epidemiology
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