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Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases(2021)

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Background: In Italy Osteoarthritis (OA) is a widespread and disabling disease that affects an increasingly large number of patients in the population, representing one of the main causes of morbidity and disability with high socio-economic costs. The etiology of OA is multifactorial, even if the significant association with some modifiable risk factors like mechanical overload and obesity is now well demonstrated. Early diagnosis and treatment strategies in OA could reduce both patient morbidity and associated costs. Objectives: Promoted by the Italian Society of Rheumatology (SIR), The Early Symptomatic OsteoaRThritis (ESORT) registry has the aim to study the natural history of OA from the earliest stages (pre- radiographic) considering risk factors in the progression of the disease, and the influence of therapeutic factors on long-term disease outcomes. The ESORT register aims to describe the socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of patients affected by OA in Italy; evaluates the extent of symptoms, functional damage, comorbidities, the frequency of use of drugs currently indicated in our country, and differences related to clinical subsets according with comorbidities and geographical localization of the patient. Methods: Actually 8 Italian Rheumatology centers are involved in the online data entry data of the SIR registry (developed and validated by SIR Study Center), considering patients affected by OA. In particular, the electronic database collects information about main demographic variables, significant anamnestic elements (risk factors and comorbidities), localization of OA, laboratory data, clinimetric indices with WOMAC / FIHOA / VAS scales, radiographic instrumental data and therapy in act. These data are reported in specific forms in the register with annual reassessment. Results: Currently, 318 patients with OA are included in the “ESORT” registry with an extension of observation up to 48 months, 214 women and 104 men with an average age of 71 years and an average weight of 72 kg. About 14% of patients affected by knee OA show Kellgren and Lawrence radiological stage 0 in presence of painful symptoms at the knees. The most frequent localization of OA is the knee (63%), followed by the hip (41%), hand (36%), spine (34%), and other sites (16%). The Table 1 shows details of some parameters (average age, average weight, intake of NSAIDs, intake of opioids and intake of chondroprotectors) according to the localization of the disease. From the registry data, patients with OA results treated mainly with NSAIDs and chondroprotectors, and patients with knee OA are the most frequently treated with opioid analgesics (44%), less used in other OA locations. Conclusion: The “ESORT” register is a useful tool for epidemiological and clinical information relating to patients with OA and for monitoring the evolution of the disease and the response to therapy. Disclosure of Interests: Gianfranco Gigliucci: None declared., Orazio De Lucia: None declared., Antonella Fioravanti: None declared., Felice Galluccio: None declared., Serena Guiducci: None declared., Antimo Moretti: None declared., Marco Matucci-Cerinic Speakers bureau: Consulting fees or honorarium from Actelion, Janssen, Inventiva, Bayer, Biogen, Boehringer, CSL Behring, Corbus, Galapagos, Mitsubishi, Samsung, Regeneron, Acceleron, MSD, Chemomab, Lilly, Pfizer, Roche, Grant/research support from: Consulting fees or honorarium from Actelion, Janssen, Inventiva, Bayer, Biogen, Boehringer, CSL Behring, Corbus, Galapagos, Mitsubishi, Samsung, Regeneron, Acceleron, MSD, Chemomab, Lilly, Pfizer, Roche, Antonella Murgo: None declared., Simone Parisi Speakers bureau: Personal fees (as speaker and/or consultant) from NOVARTIS, BMS, LILLY, UCB, MSD, PFIZER, ABBVIE, BIOGEN, AMGEN, JANSENN CILAG, CHIESI and GRUNENTHAL outside the submitted work;, Consultant of: Personal fees (as speaker and/or consultant) from NOVARTIS, BMS, LILLY, UCB, MSD, PFIZER, ABBVIE, BIOGEN, AMGEN, JANSENN CILAG, CHIESI and GRUNENTHAL outside the submitted work;, Roberta Ramonda: None declared., Sara Tenti: None declared., Enrico Tirri: None declared., Alberto Migliore Speakers bureau: Grants from Abiogen,Lilly,Fidia,Jansen (outside the submitted work), Consultant of: Grants from Abiogen,Lilly,Fidia,Jansen (outside the submitted work), Grant/research support from: Grants from Abiogen,Lilly,Fidia,Jansen (outside the submitted work).
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on osteoarthritis,rheumatology
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