Implementing Prosumers Into Heating Networks


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This article investigates possibilities for including prosumer structures in heating networks. Therefore, the performance of three different heating system scenarios for a new housing district is investigated. Low (60 degrees C) and ultra-low (20 degrees C) network temperatures are investigated. The case study includes about 100 different single-family and multi-family houses. Two scenarios contain networks with temperatures of 20 and 60 degrees C. The third scenario is extended with solar collectors and a supermarket as decentralised prosumers who supply heat to the network in times of surplus. The network can simulate bidirectional flows. Based on the principles of graph theory, a combined hydraulic and thermal model is developed and used for this study. The results show a heat loss reduction in ultra-low temperature networks due to lower network working temperatures (20 degrees C) of about 80% compared to a low-temperature network. The implementation of prosumers considerably reduces the demand from a central heat source. In this study, 20% of the total heating demand can be covered by excess heat of the prosumer supply. (C) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
4GDH, 5GDH, Low-temperature district heating, Ultra-low-temperature district heating, Bidirectional network, Prosumer, Decentral heat pumps, Case study
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