Recent advances in solid electrolytes for synaptic transistors

Organic Electronics(2021)

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Traditional computer development based on the Von Neumann system has encountered a bottleneck. The development of a brain-like computer that simulates the operation mode of the human brain is an important way to break the bottleneck. The high-performance multi-terminal synaptic transistor is the basic unit to realize a brain-like computer. In the multi-terminal synaptic transistor, electrolyte with electric double layer is the pivotal structure to realize the function of simulated synapse. Compared with ionic liquid and ionic gels,solid electrolytes have more stable chemical properties, and lower production costs. This article reviews the applications of these types of solid electrolytes in synaptic transistors. The content is mainly divided into four parts: organic solid electrolyte, inorganic solid electrolyte, organic-inorganic hybrid solid electrolyte, synaptic transistor application and future prospect. In this paper, the advantages and disadvantages of each material are summarized and compared, and various synaptic characteristics are analyzed in detail. This review has a good reference value for the study of solid electrolyte synaptic transistors.
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Key words
Solid electrolyte,Synaptic transistor,Neuromorphic systems
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