Mangrove Archives: Unravelling Human-environment Interactions from Deeply Buried Deposits at the Site Anse Trabaud, Martinique, Lesser Antilles (1290-780 cal BP)

Environmental Archaeology(2023)

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The site of Anse Trabaud on Martinique in the Windward Islands of the Lesser Antilles has yielded valuable information about human occupation from deep beneath its surface. The site is located in the southeastern part of the island, an area vulnerable to extreme wave events. The archaeological deposits are dated to 1290-780 cal BP (2 sigma). The earliest horizon is buried under thick layers of mangrove sediments. The deeply buried deposits have allowed excellent preservation of inorganic and organic remains providing an unexpected opportunity to reconstruct the paleoenvironmental conditions of past human settlement, and to study human-environment interactions and social adaptation to climate challenges in this part of the Caribbean archipelago. The cultural remains provide invaluable information into the exploitation of the surroundings of the site as well as into the subsistence patterns, material culture repertoires, procurement strategies and use and exchange of raw materials and tools. Additionally, the excellent preservation of organic materials offers new insights into food plants grown and harvested on-site, and then processed and consumed. The environmental challenges incited the Anse Trabaud community to adapt their settlement organisation and procurement strategies over time and underscore the importance of their participation in a regional and social network of mobility and exchange.
Caribbean,deeply buried archaeological deposits,palaeoecology,human-environment interactions,mangroves,climate challenges
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