Next-Generation Sequencing Panel for 1p/19q Codeletion and IDH1-IDH2 Mutational Analysis Uncovers Mistaken Overdiagnoses of 1p/19q Codeletion by FISH.

The Journal of molecular diagnostics : JMD(2021)

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The 1p/19q codeletion is the result of a translocation between chromosome 1 (Chr1p) and chromosome 19 (Chr19q) with the loss of derivative (1;19)(p10;q10) chromosome. The 1p/19q codeletion has predictive and prognostic significance, and it is essential for the classification of gliomas. In routine practice, the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) diagnosis of 1p/19q codeletion is sometimes unexpected. This study aimed to develop a next-generation sequencing panel for the concurrent definition of the 1p/19q codeletion and IDH1/IDH2 mutation status to resolve these equivocal cases. A total of 65 glioma samples were investigated using a 1p/19q-single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-IDH panel. The panel consists of 192 amplicons, including SNPs mapping to Chr1 and Chr19 and amplicons for IDH1/IDH2 analysis. The 1p/19q SNP-IDH panel consistently identified IDH1/IDH2 mutations. In 49 of 60 cases (81.7%), it provided the same 1p/19q results obtained by FISH. In the remaining 11 cases, the 1p/19q SNP-IDH panel uncovered partial chromosome imbalances as a result of interstitial amplification or deletion of the regions where the FISH probes map, leading to a mistaken overdiagnosis of 1p/19q codeletion by FISH. The 1p/19q SNP-IDH next-generation sequencing panel allows reliable analysis of the 1p/19q codeletion and IDH1/IDH2 mutation at the same time. The panel not only allows resolution of difficult cases but also represents a cost-effective alternative to standard molecular diagnostics procedures.
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