Bayesian Preference Elicitation with Keyphrase-Item Coembeddings for Interactive Recommendation.


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Interactive (a.k.a. conversational) recommendation systems provide the potential capability to personalize interactions with increasingly prevalent dialog-based AI assistants. In the conversational recommendation setting, a user often has long-term preferences inferred from previous interactions along with ephemeral session-based preferences that need to be efficiently elicited through minimal interaction. Historically, Bayesian preference elicitation methods have proved effective for (i) leveraging prior information to incrementally estimate uncertainty in user preferences as new information is observed, and for (ii) supporting active elicitation of preference feedback to quickly zero in on the best recommendations in a session. Previous work typically focused on eliciting preferences in the space of items or a small set of attributes; in the dialog-based setting, however, we are faced with the task of eliciting preferences in the space of natural language while using this feedback to determine a user’s preferences in item space. To address this task in the era of modern, latent embedding-based recommender systems, we propose a method for coembedding user-item preferences with keyphrase descriptions (i.e., not explicitly known attributes, but rather subjective judgments mined from user reviews or tags) along with a closed-form Bayesian methodology for incrementally estimating uncertainty in user preferences based on elicited keyphrase feedback. We then combine this framework with well-known preference elicitation techniques that can leverage Bayesian posteriors such as Upper Confidence Bounds, Thompson Sampling, and a variety of other methods. Our empirical evaluation on real-world datasets shows that the proposed query selection strategies effectively update user beliefs, leading to high-quality recommendations with a minimal number of keyphrase queries.
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