Virus And Helper Component Interactions Favour The Transmission Of Recombinant Potato Virus Y Strains


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In recent years, several recombinant strains of potato virus Y, notably PVYNTN and PVYN:0 have displaced the ordinary strain, PVY0, and emerged as the predominant strains affecting the USA potato crop. Previously we reported that recombinant strains were transmitted more efficiently than PVY0 when they were acquired sequentially, regardless of acquisition order. In another recent study, we showed that PVYNTN binds preferentially to the aphid stylet over PVY0 when aphids feed on a mixture of PVY0 and PVYNTN. To understand the mechanism of this transmission bias as well as preferential virus binding, we separated virus and active helper component proteins (HC), mixed them in homologous and heterologous combinations, and then fed them to aphids using Parafilm sachets. Mixtures of PVY0 HC with either PVYN:0 or PVYNTN resulted in efficient transmission. PVYN:0 HC also facilitated the transmission of PVY0 and PVYNTN, albeit with reduced efficiency. PVYNTN HC failed to facilitate transmission of either PVY0 or PVYN:0. When PVY0 HC or PVYN:0 HC was mixed with equal amounts of the two viruses, both viruses in all combinations were transmitted at high efficiencies. In contrast, no transmission occurred when combinations of viruses were mixed with PVYNTN HC. Further study evaluated transmission using serial dilutions of purified virus mixed with HCs. While PVYNTN HC only facilitated the transmission of the homologous virus, the HCs of PVY0 and PVYN:0 facilitated the transmission of all strains tested. This phenomenon has likely contributed to the increase in the recombinant strains affecting the USA potato crop.
potato, strain shift, aphid, interaction, helper component, virus concentration, PVY, Myzus persicae
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