The Decomposition of Between and Within Effects in Contextual Models.

Frontiers in psychology(2021)

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In contextual studies, group compositions are often extracted from individual data in the sample, in order to estimate the group compositional effects [e.g., school socioeconomic status (SES) effect] controlling for interindividual differences in multilevel models. As the same variable is used at both group level and individual level, an appropriate decomposition of between and within effects is a key to providing a clearer picture of these organizational and individual processes. The current study developed a new approach with within-group finite population correction (fpc). Its performances were compared with the manifest and latent aggregation approaches in the decomposition of between and within effects. Under a moderate within-group sampling ratio, the between effect estimates from the new approach had a lesser degree of bias and higher observed coverage rates compared with those from the manifest and latent aggregation approaches. A real data application was also used to illustrate the three analysis approaches.
contextual model,multilevel modeling,structural equation modeling,multilevel SEM,mediation,finite population correction
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