Data On The Present And Future Distribution Of Suitable Niches Of The Black Vanilla Orchid (Nigritella Nigra S.L., Orchidaceae) And Its Pollinators


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The black vanilla orchid (Nigritella nigra s.l.) is a perennial plant found in the main European mountain ranges. It occurs in large numbers in the Alps, but it has become a rare and endangered species in Scandinavia due to the loss of suitable habitats. Here we present occurrence data on the occurrence of N. nigra s.l. and pollinators of this species which were used to evaluate the impact of climate change on the future distribution of the black vanilla orchid and its pollen vectors. Moreover, the values of bioclimatic variables for each locality are provided. The binary distribution models of both, orchids and insects, created using ecological niche modeling (ENM) technique are presented together with the information about changes in the coverage of suitable niches of studied organisms. Our data were used to evaluate the impact of climate change on orchid and its pollinator ( j.gecco.2021.e01560) and datasets can be reused in other research on past and future distribution of suitable niches of the black vanilla orchid and its pollinators as well as in other biogeographical studies. Moreover, presented outcomes of research can be useful in establishing conservation plans for montane orchids and their pollinators. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.
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Key words
Niche modeling, Pollinators, Global warming, Nigritella nigra
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