Teachers’ Involvement in Designing MERLO Items: Boundary Crossing

Ornella Robutti, Theodosia Prodromou,Gilles Aldon

Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education(2020)

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Meaning Equivalence Reusable Learning Objects (MERLO) items are a new kind of didactical tool that can be designed by teachers and used in classes, in tasks aimed at engaging students in deep reasoning, exploring and arguing about mathematical concepts. The interactions across communities of mathematics teachers and educators in on-line professional development were studied with attention to the phenomenon of boundary crossing of MERLO items, viewed as boundary objects in this article. The study analyseda first (international) crossing of the object that passedinstitutional boundaries (between Australian and Italian school systems), and a second crossing of the same object –inside the Australian institutional community – that passed boundaries (from static to dynamic representations) that we interpret in terms of method both for teachers and for researchers. This passage is possible due to the use of dynamic geometry software (GeoGebra) that supported a modification in the design of the item. The analysis shows boundary crossing as a process of transformation that can influence a modification (more or less stable) in the practices of the teachers involved and provides a deep research insight in relation to existing theoretical frameworks.
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Teacher professional development,MERLO item,Boundary crossing,Boundary object,Communities of teachers,Transformation,Dynamic geometry software
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