The Proline-Rich Myticalins From Mytilus Galloprovincialis Display A Membrane-Permeabilizing Antimicrobial Mode Of Action


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Bivalve mollusks are continuously exposed to potentially pathogenic microorganisms living in the marine environment. Not surprisingly, these filter-feeders developed a robust innate immunity to protect themselves, which includes a broad panel of antimicrobial peptides. Among these, myticalins represent a recently discovered family of linear cationic peptides expressed in the gills of Mytilus galloprovincialis. Even though myticalins and insect and mammalian proline-rich antimicrobial peptides (PrAMPs) share a similar amino acid composition, we here show that none of the tested mussel peptides use a non-lytic mode of action relying on the bacterial transporter SbmA. On the other hand, all the tested myticalins perturbed and permeabilized the membranes of E. coli BW25113, as shown by flow-cytometry and atomic force microscopy. Circular dichroism spectra revealed that most myticalins did not adopt recognizable secondary structures in the presence of amphipathic environments, such as biological membranes. To explore possible uses of myticalins for biotech, we assessed their biocompatibility with a human cell line. Non-negligible cytotoxic effects displayed by myticalins indicate that their optimization would be required before their further use as lead compounds in the development of new antibiotics.
Antimicrobial peptide, Membranolytic, Mollusks, Proline-rich, Bacteria, Mytilus galloprovincialis
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