Blocking Cross-Species Secondary Binding When Performing Double Immunostaining With Mouse And Rat Primary Antibodies


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Immunostaining is a powerful technique and widely used to identify molecules in tissues and cells, although critical steps are necessary to block cross-reaction. Here we focused on an overlooked cross immunoreactivity issue where a secondary antibody (secondary) cross-reacts with a primary antibody (primary) from a different species. We first confirmed the previously reported cross-species binding of goat anti-mouse secondary to rat primary. This was accomplished by staining with a rat primary against glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and visualizing with goat (or donkey) anti-mouse secondary. We then further revealed the converse cross-species binding by staining with a mouse primary against neuronal nuclear protein (NeuN) and visualizing with anti-rat secondaries. We speculate that mouse and rat primaries share antigenicity, enabling either secondary to recognize either primary. To block this cross-species binding in double staining experiments, we compared three protocols using mouse anti-NeuN and rat anti-GFAP, two primaries whose antigens have non-overlapping distributions in brain tissues. Simultaneous staining resulted in cross-species astrocytic staining (anti-mouse secondary to rat anti-GFAP primary) but no cross-species neuronal staining (anti-rat secondary to mouse anti-NeuN primary). Cross-species astrocytic staining was missing after sequential same-species staining with mouse anti-NeuN primary, followed by rat anti-GFAP. However, cross-species astrocytic staining could not be diminished after sequential same-species staining with rat anti-GFAP primary, followed by mouse anti-NeuN. We thus hypothesize that a competition exists between anti-mouse and anti-rat secondaries in their binding to both primaries. Single staining for NeuN or GFAP visualized with dual secondaries at different dilution ratio supported this hypothesis.
cross immunoreactivity, immunohistochemistry, fluorescent staining, rodent, guinea pig
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