Hepatobiliary complications from ruptured silicone breast implants - a comprehensive literature review.

Joshua Agilinko, Dharshanan Raj, Ken Vin Wong,Daniele Fanelli, Nicklaus Ng,Bertrand Agilinko,Mohammad Hasan

German medical science : GMS e-journal(2021)

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Cronin and Gerow first introduced silicone breast implants in 1962; they now serve as first-line for breast augmentation. Breast augmentation is effective in restoring both physical and psychological well-being in women post-mastectomy. Many studies in the literature on complications of silicone breast implant rupture focus on lymphomas and capsular contractures. Only a few studies discuss the hepatobiliary complications. By reviewing the literature over the past 30 years, the authors aim to analyse the clinical presentation, diagnostic findings, as well as management outcomes amongst women with ruptured silicone implant-related hepatobiliary complications. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive review on this topic.
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Key words
complications,hepatobiliary,literature review,silicone implants
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