Patient perspective: diagnosis and prognosis of acute spinal cord injuries


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Study design Qualitative study. Objectives The purpose of this study is to understand the patient perspective after diagnosis of an acute traumatic spinal cord injury (tSCI). Discussing the diagnosis and prognosis of a tSCI with a patient can be a challenging experience for both the patient and the physician. As such, this paper attempts to better understand the patient experience to improve communication when discussing this life-altering injury. Setting Vancouver General Hospital, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Methods This study is a qualitative study utilizing grounded theory and semi-structured interviews. The interview transcripts were manually coded using manifest and latent content analysis. Major and minor codes were identified and discussed. Results In total, 17 interviews were conducted, fifteen individuals with tSCI who received acute care at Vancouver General Hospital (VGH) and eleven family members were interviewed. Patient participants were interviewed individually or in a paired interview with a participating family member. Patient participants had varying spinal cord injuries from AIS A-D. Two major themes were identified from the interviews. The first major theme was physician demeanor (general approach and attitude towards patients) and the second major theme was delivery of information (content, timing, and source). Conclusions This study summarizes the preferences of patients who sustained a tSCI discussions regarding their diagnosis and prognosis in the acute care setting. The goal of this study is to help guide physician interactions at this difficult and vulnerable time for patients with hopes to improve patient care through effective communication.
Diagnosis,Prognosis,Spine regulation and structure,Biomedicine,general,Neurosciences,Anatomy,Human Physiology,Neurochemistry,Neuropsychology
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