The Unusual Case of a Rapidly Enlarging Thyroid Gland in a Patient With Pendred Syndrome

Journal of the Endocrine Society(2021)

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Abstract Pendred syndrome is a genetic condition that is characterized by sensorineural hearing loss, abnormalities of the vestibular system, and goiter. In patients with Pendred syndrome, goiter tends to develop in late childhood or early adulthood and the literature details a progressive enlargement of goiter in these individuals. Here we report the case of a 26 year old female with Pendred syndrome and congenital deafness who presented with a rapidly enlarging thyroid gland over 1 week with associated symptoms of dysphagia, dyspnea, insomnia, and diaphoresis. Thyroid function tests at the time showed no abnormalities. Diagnostic thyroid ultrasound was performed and showed enlarged, multinodular goiter and bilateral thyroid nodules measuring 1.2 cm and 1.1 cm in the right and left thyroid lobe, respectively, with TI-RADS 2 classification. The patient had a thyroid core biopsy performed showing benign appearing thyroid follicles without any evidence of malignancy. After approximately one month following the initial presentation, the patient reported resolution of her goiter and associated symptoms without intervention. To our knowledge, this is the first case in the literature detailing a rapidly enlarging goiter in a patient with Pendred Syndrome, with subsequent resolution of signs and symptoms.
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