To Compare the Prevalence of Plantar Fasciitis among Females Wearing Flat Foot Wear and Heels in Young Adults

Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy—An International Journal(2020)

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Introduction: The purpose of this research is to check whether there is any co-relation between the footwear and the foot alignment (foot position) for example there is decreased dorsiflexion of foot in females wearing high heels as compared to females wearing flat foot wears and whether it makes people prone to develop plantar fasciitis or not. Methodology: 100 subjects were taken for the trial. The study included a total of 100 girls from Galgotias University out of which 2 groups were made of 50-50, that is, 50 girls who were regular heel users and 50 girls who wear flat foot wear. Subjects were tested in department’s lab room. The subjects were informed to sit upright on plinth with their one leg crossed over the other to make figure of four and the subjects were informed to look straight. Then, manual plantar fascia stretch test was performed by grasping and stabilizing the heel with one hand and dorsiflexing the ankle and toes together with the other hand of the researcher, which in turn stretched the plantar fascia of the foot. Then the subjects were asked if there was any pain experienced or not at the heel or in the sole of the foot while the test was performed. Next step was to perform the windlass test with the subject maintaining the same sitting position and then coming in standing position. Results and Conclusion: The result showed that out of total sample 20% subjects felt the plantar fascia stretch, 7%, subjects with positive windlass test, 27% of population in sample was prone to develop plantar fasciitis out of which 19% of the subjects were those who wear high heels. The 7% population who had positive windlass test were the females who were wearing heels
plantar fasciitis,flat foot wearing,heels,prevalence
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