Corrigendum to “European Resuscitation Council Guidelines 2021: Executive summary” [Resuscitation (2021) 1–60]

Gavin D. Perkins,Jan-Thortsen Gräsner,Federico Semeraro,Theresa M. Olasveengen,Jasmeet Soar,Carsten Lott,Patrick Van de Voorde,John Madar,David Zideman,Spyridon Mentzelopoulos,Leo Bossaert,Robert Greif,Koenraad G. Monsieurs,Hildigunnur Svavarsdóttir,Jerry P. Nolan,Sean Ainsworth, Charles D. Deakin, F. K. Lippert,Claudio Sandroni, Şule Akın, J. Delchef,Andrew Lockey, Ferenc Sári, Annette Alfonzo,B. Dirks,Carsten Lott, Andrea Scapigliati,Janusz Andres,Jana Djakow,Ileana Lulić, Suzanne Schilder, Simon Attard Montalto, Therese Djärv, Martijn Maas,Joachim Schlieber,Alessandro Barelli, Patrick Druwé, Ian Maconochie, Sebastian Schnaubelt, Michael Baubin, G. Eldin,John Madar,Federico Semeraro, W. Behringer,H. Ersdal, Abel Martínez-Mejías, Salma Shammet, Berthold Bein, Hans Friberg, Siobhán Masterson, Eunice M. Singletary, Dominique Biarent, Cornelia Genbrugge,Spyridon Mentzelopoulos, Christiane Skåre, Robert Bingham,Marios Georgiou, Daniel Meyrán, MB Skrifvars, Marieke T. Blom, E. Goemans,Koenraad G. Monsieurs, Michael A. Smyth, Adriana Boccuzzi,Violeta González-Salvado, Carla Morley,Jasmeet Soar,Vere Borra, Primož Gradišek, Véronique Moulaert,Hildigunnur Svavarsdóttir,Leo Bossaert,Jan Thorsten Gräsner, Nicolas Mpotos, Tomasz Szczapa, Bernd W. Böttiger,Robert Greif,Νικόλαος Νικολάου, Fabio Taccone,Jan Breckwoldt, Anthony J. Handley,Jerry P. Nolan, Mahmoud Tageldin Mustafa,Olivier Brissaud, Christian Hassager,Theresa M. Olasveengen, Arjan B. te Pas, Roman Burkart, Kirstie L. Haywood, Emily Oliver, Karl‐Christian Thies, Alain Cariou, Jon-Kenneth Heltne,Peter Paal, Ingvild Tjelmeland, P. Carli, D. Hendrickx,Thomas Pellis, Daniele Trevisanuto,Francesc Carmona, Johan Herlítz,Gavin D. Perkins,Anatolij Truhlář, Pascal Cassan,Jochen Hinkelbein, Lucas Pflanzl-Knizacek, Georg Trummer, Maaret Castrén,Frank Hoffmann, K. Pitches,Nigel M. Turner, Theodoros Christophides, Silvija Hunyadi Antičević, Kurtis Poole, Berndt Urlesberger, Carmen Diana Cimpoesu,Gróa B. Jóhannesdóttir,Violetta Raffay, Jukka Vaahersalo, Carlo Clarens, Gamal Eldin Abbas Khalifa, Walter Renier,Patrick Van de Voorde,Patricia Conaghan, Barry Klaassen, Giuseppe Ristagno, Heleen Van Grootven,Keith Couper, Jozef Koppl, Charles Christoph Roehr,D. Wilkinson,Tobias Cronberg, U. Kreimeier, Fernando Rosell-Ortiz,Jan Wnent, Emmy De Buck, A. Kuzovlev,Mario Rüdiger, Jonathan Wyllie, Nieves de Lucas, Torsten Lauritsen, A. Safri, Jonathan C. Yeung, Annick De Roovere,Gisela Lilja, Luis Sánchez Santos,David Zideman


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The authors regret that the list of the ERC 2021 Guidelines Collaborators which were included in Appendix A was incomplete. The complete list of collaborators is provided below:Tabled 1Ainsworth, S.Deakin, C.D.Lippert, F.Sandroni, C.Akin, S.Delchef, J.Lockey, A.S.Sari, F.Alfonzo, A.Dirks, B.Lott, C.Scapigliati, A.Andres, J.Djakow, J.Lulic, I.Schilder. S,Attard Montalto, S.Djarv, T.Maas, M.Schlieber, J.Barelli, A.Druwe, P.Maconochie, I.Schnaubelt, S.Baubin, M.Eldin, G.Madar, J.Semeraro, F.Behringer, W.Ersdal, H.Martinez-Mejias, A.Shammet, S.Bein, B.Friberg, H.Masterson, S.Singletary, E.M.Biarent, D.Genbrugge, C.Mentzelopoulos, S.D.Skåre, C.Bingham, R.Georgiou, M.Meyran, D.Skrifvars, M.B.Blom, M.Goemans, E.Monsieurs, K.G.Smyth, M.Boccuzzi, A.González-Salvado, V.Morley, C.Soar, J.Borra, V.Gradisek, P.Moulaert, V.R.M.Svavarsdóttir, H.Bossaert, L.Gräsner, J.T.Mpotos, N.Szczapa, T.Böttiger, B.W.Greif, R.Nikolaou, N.Taccone, F.Breckwoldt, J.Handley, A.J.Nolan, J.P.Tageldin Mustafa, M.Brissaud, O.Hassager, C.Olasveengen, T.M.Te Pas, A.Burkart, R.Haywood, K.Oliver, E.Thies, K.C.Cariou, A.Heltne, J.K.Paal, P.Tjelmeland, I.B.M.Carli, P.Hendrickx, D.Pellis, T.Trevisanuto, D.Carmona, F.Herlitz, J.Perkins, G.D.Truhlář, A.Cassan, P.Hinkelbein, J.Pflanzl-Knizacek, L.Trummer, G.Castren, M.Hoffmann, F.Pitches, K.Turner, N.M.Christophides, T.Hunyadi Anticevic, S.Poole, K.Urlesberger, B.Cimpoesu, C.D.Johannesdottir, G.B.Raffay, V.Vaahersalo, J.Clarens, C.Khalifa, G.Renier, W.Van de Voorde, P.Conaghan, P.Klaassen, B.Ristagno, G.Van Grootven, H.Couper, K.Koppl, J.Roehr, C.C.Wilkinson, D.Cronberg, T.Kreimeier, U.Rosell-Ortiz, F.Wnent, J.De Buck, E.Kuzovlev, A.Rüdiger, M.Wyllie, Lucas, N.Lauritsen, T.Safri, A.Yeung, J.De Roovere, A.Lilja, G.Sanchez Santos, L.Zideman, D.A. Open table in a new tab The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines 2021: Executive summaryResuscitationVol. 161PreviewInformed by a series of systematic reviews, scoping reviews and evidence updates from the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation, the 2021 European Resuscitation Council Guidelines present the most up to date evidence-based guidelines for the practice of resuscitation across Europe. The guidelines cover the epidemiology of cardiac arrest; the role that systems play in saving lives, adult basic life support, adult advanced life support, resuscitation in special circumstances, post resuscitation care, first aid, neonatal life support, paediatric life support, ethics and education. Full-Text PDF
european resuscitation council guidelines
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