Chromatin Remodeling in the Brain-a NuRD evelopmental Odyssey.

International Journal of Molecular Sciences(2021)

Cited 8|Views6
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During brain development, the genome must be repeatedly reconfigured in order to facilitate neuronal and glial differentiation. A host of chromatin remodeling complexes facilitates this process. At the genetic level, the non-redundancy of these complexes suggests that neurodevelopment may require a lexicon of remodelers with different specificities and activities. Here, we focus on the nucleosome remodeling and deacetylase (NuRD) complex. We review NuRD biochemistry, genetics, and functions in neural progenitors and neurons.
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NuRD, neurodevelopment, neurogenesis, gliogenesis, intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, chromatin remodeling
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