A study of knowledge, attitude and practices regarding human activities and the breeding of mosquito vectors of human diseases in Ikeduru L.G.A., IMO state, Nigeria

Journal of entomology and zoology studies(2021)

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Investigations on knowledge, attitude and practices of the human activities related to the breeding of mosquito vectors in Ikeduru L.G.A, Imo State, Nigeria were carried out. Descriptive survey method was used for the study. The towns were sampled using simple random sampling technique. Questionnaire and interviews were used to generate data. The binomial logistic regression method was applied in testing relationships between parameters. The findings revealed that increasing age was associated with an increased likelihood of having both knowledge and positive attitude associated with human activities on mosquito species. Results further indicated that increase in age was associated with decreased likelihood of participants practicing human activities that contribute to breeding of mosquito species. Findings also revealed that males were 7.026 times more likely to have knowledge associated with human activities on mosquito breeding than their female counterparts. Females were more likely to exhibit positive attitude associated with human activities on mosquito species than male counterpart. Males were more likely to practice the human activities that contribute to breeding of mosquito than females. It was recommended that indiscriminate dumping of refuse should be discouraged. Educating the masses on the activities that favor rapid breeding of mosquitoes in the area should be encouraged. Planting of mosquito repellant herbs near human habitation should be encouraged. Vulcanizers should be enlightened on the dangers of storing water in unused tires. Cassava and Maize Processors should disinfect their environment at least once in two weeks.
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Key words
mosquito vectors,human diseases,nigeria,practices
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