The Potential Applications of the Potent Cytotoxic Ansamitocin P-3 in the Treatment of Gastric Carcinoma

Health science journal(2021)

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Gastric carcinoma is a refractory disease that seriously threatens human health globally. Unfortunately, its mortality is still high among common cancers. In order to develop a new type of anti-gastric cancer drug and avoid side effects of traditional chemotheray, a new drug-targeting strategy was considered in our studies. We firstly selected certain classic cytotoxic compounds such as ansamitocin P-3 (AP-3), colchicine and paclitaxel and investigated their efficacy in the suppression of gastric cancer cell growth and tumor growth. We found that these compounds displayed their potent suppressive activities. Particularly, AP-3 showed its significant tumor suppression in xenograft mouse model, and was also observed with its severe side effects. The results supported that AP-3 itself most likely was not druggable, but might be applied for drug conjugates via coupling it to a drug delivery vehicle to enhance its anti-tumor efficacy and reduce its side effects. Foreign aid has proven to be a tool for alleviating human suffering during pandemics. Most developing countries rely on foreign aid in the wake of a pandemic either through monetary (bilateral/multilateral) assistance or relief items. In addition to providing emergency relief measures in highly informal sectors, foreign aid can be used as a tool to channel liquidity to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), households, and informal workers. This paper takes a systems approach in highlighting the ways in which some of the aforementioned factors can be efficiently leveraged to curb the rate of disease spread, which in turn alleviates the burden of human suffering. Keywords: Gastric carcinoma; AP-3; Drug-targeting; Cell proliferation; Cell apoptosis; Tumor growth
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