Gross Morphological and Light Microscopic Studies of the Spleen of Malayan Sun Bear (Helarctos malayanus)

Indian Journal of Animal Research(2021)

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Background: Bear specialist group recommended that the basic research on the Malayan sun bear is the highest priority need. Without such information, the establishment and implementation of scientifically-sound conservation plans is difficult. Therefore, present study was designed to provide information on gross morphological and light microscopic architecture of the spleen.Methods: The present study was conducted on the spleen of one Malayan sun bear. After doing the gross parameters the tissues were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin and were processed for light microscopic studies. Blocks were cut at 6μ thickness by Leica Semimotorized Rotary Microtome and stained by Harris’ haematoxylin and eosin for routine study. Result: The spleen of Malayan sun bear was located in the left hypogastric region and entirely intrathoracic as the stomach was almost empty. The parietal surface faces the diaphragm and left lateral abdominal wall, whereas the visceral surface was divided into gastric face and intestinal face by the ridge like hilus. The spleen of Malayan Sun Bear was surrounded by a thick connective tissue capsule invested by the peritoneum. The capsule, trabeculae and reticular fibers support the splenic parenchyma composed of a red pulp and a white pulp.
malayan sun bear,helarctos malayanus,spleen,light microscopic studies
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