DEKR: Description Enhanced Knowledge Graph for Machine Learning Method Recommendation


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ABSTRACTThe huge number of machine learning (ML) methods has resulted in significant information overload. Faced with an overwhelming number of ML methods, it is challenging to select appropriate ones for the given dataset and task. In general, the names of ML methods or datasets are rather condensed, thus lacking specific explanations, while the rich latent relationships between ML entities are not fully explored. In this paper, we propose a description-enhanced machine learning knowledge graph-based approach - DEKR - to help recommend appropriate ML methods for given ML datasets. The proposed knowledge graph (KG) not only includes the connections between entities but also contains the descriptions of the dataset and method entities. DEKR fuses the structural information with the description information of entities in the knowledge graph. It is a deep hybrid recommendation framework, which incorporates the knowledge graph-based and text-based methods, overcoming the limitations of previous knowledge graph-based recommendation systems that ignore the description information. There are two key components of DEKR: 1) a graph neural network aggregating information from multi-order neighbors with attention to enrich the seed (i.e. dataset or method) node's own representation, and 2) a deep collaborative filtering network based on the description text to obtain the linear and nonlinear interactions of description features. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrated the efficiency of DEKR, which outperforms the current state-of-the-art baselines by a large margin.
Recommender systems, knowledge graph, machine learning, description information
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