Skin Cancer Knowledge, Attitudes, And Practices Among Non-Medical Skin Care Professionals: A Narrative Review Of Cross-Sectional And Interventional Studies


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Background Skin cancers are the most common malignancies in the United States. Total body skin examination by a physician, especially a dermatologist, is the gold standard for detecting suspicious lesions that may require further evaluation. Non-medical professionals (NMPs) including massage therapists, estheticians, hairdressers, and cosmetologists have the unique opportunity to frequently examine their client's skin outside of a clinical setting. By evaluating their knowledge of and comfort with evaluation of suspicious lesions, multiple studies have gauged the utility of patient encounters with NMPs for skin cancer detection. Several studies have also focused on assessment of intervention strategies for assessing and improving NMPs ability to detect suspicious lesions and to refer for physician evaluation when necessary.Aims To conduct a narrative review of skin cancer knowledge, attitudes, and practices among NMPs.Patoents/Methods A systematic search of the databases yielded 16 studies for review. A total of 8 cross-sectional studies examined the knowledge and attitudes of NMPs toward skin evaluation, and 8 studies assessed interventional strategies for improving NMPs' ability to assess skin lesions for consideration of physician referral.Results This review finds that NMPs are open to the idea of examining the exposed body surfaces relevant to their work with clients and are willing to refer for physician evaluation when needed. Multiple interventional strategies have demonstrated success with educating NMPs on the importance of skin surveillance and the characteristic physical examination findings associated with skin cancers.Conclusion Strengthening the readiness of NMPs to examine their client's skin offers an opportunity to reduce time to skin cancer diagnosis, improve patient outcomes, and lower healthcare-associated costs of skin cancer treatment.
attitude, knowledge, melanoma, non-medical professionals, practice, review, skin cancer
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