Nonlinear response of SIA to emission changes and chemical processes over eastern and central China during a heavy haze month.

The Science of the total environment(2021)

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This study used a chemical transport model to investigate the response of secondary inorganic aerosols (SIA) to chemical processes and its precursor emissions over northern and southern city-clusters of China in January 2014. Unexpectedly, SIA concentrations with low levels of precursor emissions were much higher over the southern regions than those over the northern region with high levels of precursor emissions, based on ground observations and high-precision simulations. The sensitivity analysis of chemical processes suggests that the gas-phase chemistry was a critical factor determining the SIA pattern, especially the higher efficiency of nitrogen conversion to nitrate in southern cities controlled by favorable meteorological elements than that in northern city. However, the heterogeneous process led to the decrease of SIA in southern regions by 3% to 36% and the increasing of SIA in NCP by 26.9%, mainly attributing to the impact on nitrate. The reason was that sulfate enhancement by the heterogeneous reactions can compete ammonia (NH3) and the excessive nitric acid converted into nitrogen oxide (NOx), leading to nitrate decrease in southern regions under NH3-deficient regimes. Moreover, through sensitivity experiments of precursor emission reduction by 20%, NH3 control was found to be the most effective for reducing SIA concentrations comparing to sulfur dioxide (SO2) and NOx reduction and a more remarkable decrease of SIA was in southern regions by 10% to 15% than that in northern region by 6.7%. The effect of the synergy control of precursors emission varied in different city-clusters, inferring that the control strategy aimed at improving air quality should be implemented based on specific characteristics of precursors emission in different regions of China.
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