Comparison of cine and real-time cardiac MRI in rhesus macaques


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Cardiac MRI in rhesus macaques, a species of major relevance for preclinical studies on biological therapies, requires artificial ventilation to realize breath holding. To overcome this limitation of standard cine MRI, the feasibility of Real-Time (RT) cardiac MRI has been tested in a cohort of ten adult rhesus macaques using a clinical MR-system. In spite of lower tissue contrast and sharpness of RT-MRI, cardiac functions were similarly well assessed by RT-MRI compared to cine MRI (similar intra-subject repeatability). However, systematic underestimation of the end-diastolic volume (31 ± 9%), end-systolic volume (20 ± 11%), stroke volume (40 ± 12%) and ejection fraction (13 ± 9%) hamper the comparability of RT-MRI results with those of other cardiac MRI methods. Yet, the underestimations were very consistent (< 5% variability) for repetitive measurements, making RT-MRI an appropriate alternative to cine MRI for longitudinal studies. In addition, RT-MRI enabled the analysis of cardio-respiratory coupling. All functional parameters showed lower values during expiration compared to inspiration, most likely due to the pressure-controlled artificial ventilation. In conclusion, despite systematic underestimation of the functional parameters, RT-MRI allowed the assessment of left ventricular function in macaques with significantly less experimental effort, measurement time, risk and burden for the animals compared to cine MRI.
Cardiovascular biology,Translational research,Science,Humanities and Social Sciences,multidisciplinary
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