TeachActive Feedback Dashboard: Using Automated Classroom Analytics to Visualize Pedagogical Strategies at a Glance

Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems(2021)

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BSTRACTTEACHActive is an automated feedback dashboard that provides instructors with visual classroom analytics about the active learning facilitation strategies they use in their classrooms. We describe TEACHActive system's root requirement of improving pedagogical practices through reflection, the system's process of data flow from an automated observation system, EduSense, to the feedback dashboard, and the technical design of the infrastructure. We designed the TEACHActive dashboard to visualize EduSense's automated observation output and give instructors feedback about their active learning facilitation strategies in their classrooms with the goal of improving their pedagogical practices. We present the TEACHActive prototype development process with three illustrative prototypes.
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automated systems, classroom analytics, feedback dashboards, pedagogical strategies, human-centered design
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