Perception of herbal practitioners on the application of modern technology to healthcare delivery in Nigeria

Informatics in Medicine Unlocked(2021)

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Background: This study explored the perception of Nigerian Herbal Practitioners on the application and impact of modern technology on healthcare delivery in Nigeria concerning medical healthcare service to the patient at a distance. Methods: An in-depth questionnaire set up for the herbal practitioners (respondents) in selected domains (usefulness of the technology for patients and practitioner's practice; perceived knowledge about the use of modern technology to telediagnosis in herbal medicine) was developed and administered to 100 respondents. The Evaluation performances, based on the System Reliability Index (SRI), System Degree of Relevance (SDR), and System Ease of Usage (SEU) were evaluated for the ninety-five responses received. Results: The majority (80%) preferred the application of modern technology in terms of improving patient management and satisfaction. Others (20%) have reservations for the technical reliability, privacy, practice expenses, cost of setting up the equipment, time, trust, skill, and diagnostic accuracy of patients. The SRI, SDR, and SEU obtained for the responses are 3.42, 3.15.and 2.88, respectively, while the hypothesis derivative crouch coefficient is 0.72 and 0.85 for the validity and reliability, respectively, of the system. Conclusion: The majority of the herbal practitioners agreed and support the concept of modern technology and its application in the current practitioner's practice. This suggests that the application of modern technology to the practices of the study explored the perception of Nigerian Herbal Practitioners will improve healthcare delivery in Nigeria.
Diagnosis,Healthcare delivery,Herbal practitioners,Telediagnosis,Teleherbal,Telehealth
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