Behandlung opioidabhängiger Inhaftierter – Einstellungen und Behandlungspraxis des medizinischen Personals in bayerischen Justizvollzugsanstalten


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BACKGROUND The present study examines the treatment practice and attitudes of medical staff towards opioid-dependent inmates in Bavarian prisons. METHOD We interviewed medical staff (n=20) from 18 Bavarian prisons about substitution practice and attitudes by semi-structured interviews. RESULTS With regard to the treatment routines and the attitudes of the medical staff, we found mixed results. From the perspective of the medical staff, the treatment decision depends on the patients\u0027 wishes, the severity and duration of the dependence, the length of sentence and organizational factors. Problems were discussed in particular with regard to the care situation inside and outside the prisons and difficulties in transition management. CONCLUSIONS Substitution therapy is considered a standard treatment method in prisons today. However, our respondents highlighted some disadvantages (e. g. passing on the substitution drug). Although the treatment goal of complete abstinence was generally viewed positively by a part of the medical staff, it was not considered very realistic. From the point of view of the respondents, special attention should be paid to the continuity of the chosen treatment strategy in the context of discharge management.
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behandlungspraxis des medizinischen personals,behandlung opioidabhängiger inhaftierter
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