UNESCO Global Geoparks in the "World after": a multiple-goals roadmap proposal for future discussion

Guy Martini,Nickolas Zouros, Jianping Zhang,Xiaochi Jin,Ibrahim Komoo, Melanie Border,Mahito Watanabe, Marie Louise Frey, Kristin Rangnes, Tran Tan Van,José Patricio P. Melo, Margaret Patzak,Asier Hilario,Setsuya Nakada,Artur A. Sá


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The new challenges posed to UNESCO Global Geoparks (UGGps), resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, require a guiding reflection and the presentation of a proposal for a roadmap, to be discussed and implemented in the short -medium term. The proposal presented in this work is the result of careful reflection and discussion among the authors, with the purpose of providing the UGGps with tools and lines of action that will allow them to face the new reality of the "World after". These proposals are aligned with the new global dynamics, mainly with those that are seen as strategic for these territories. It is also based on the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda, with particular emphasis on Climate Action. The new reality must therefore also include a para-digm shift and a strengthening of networking activities, which should include a new dynamic of participation and sharing, appropriate to the more frequent use of tools for effective long-distance teamwork.
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multiplegoals roadmap proposal,world
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