Subminiature Light Sources Based on Semiconductor Nanostructures

V. A. Gaisler,I. A. Derebezov,A. V. Gaisler,D. V. Dmitriev,A. I. Toropov, M. M. Kachanova,Yu. A. Zhivodkov, A. S. Kozhuhov, D. V. Scheglov, A. V. Latyshev


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The paper states the operating principles of subminiature semiconductor emitters and offers the research results of the performance for those emitters that were developed and manufactured at the Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor physics of SB RAS over the last three years. Single photon emitter based on Al _x In _1-x As/Al _y Ga _1-y As quantum dots has been developed. Hanbury Brown and Twiss experiment has been carried out to measure the photon statistics. The photon correlation function demonstrates a clear photon antibunching effect ( g^2 (0) ≈ 0.04), which is a direct evidence of single photon emission by single Al _x In _1-x As quantum dots. The results of developing single-mode vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with a wavelength of 794.8 nm future-oriented for application in chip-scale atomic clock and operating at the transition 5S _1/2→ 5P _1/2 of Rb ^87 are reported.
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Key words
semiconductor quantum dots,exciton,biexciton,fine structure splitting,sub-Poisson statistics,single photon emitters,emitters of entangled photon pairs,vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser,chip-scale atomic clock
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