Production Optimization versus Asset Availability – a Review

WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control archive(2020)

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Nowadays, companies want to give a quick answer in order to face their market competitors. Thesequick responses must be reflected in the quality of the products; to this be possible, it is necessary to manage anumber of factors that will bring benefits in its market positioning. As technology grows, there is the possibility, ata computational level, to create a combination of mathematical and technological tools that were not implementedin the past due to the lack of resources, since they have high robustness about their analytical resolution.This paper presents mathematical and computer tools that have potential great benefits when applied to industrialproblems solving, such as operation management.Along the paper it is made a temporal location of all tools with their main objectives about optimizing industrial processes, focusing on maintenance costs, contributing directly to the rationalization of global costs of theprocesses.Analytical and technological methods that have had great success regarding to the reduction costs of productionin industries are presented. The approaches of this paper bring a literary review of process optimization, namelyabout Neural Networks and multivariate analysis for prediction
asset availability,production optimization
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