Message from the TPC Chairs - HOTI 2020

high performance interconnects(2020)

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This conference brings together designers and architects of high-performance networks, with presentations from universities and industrial research laboratories that focus on the latest developments in leading-edge technologies. This year's conference is entirely virtual due to the COVID-19 pandemic, representing unique challenges and opportunities for the conference program. Our world-class team of 19 Technical Program Committee members returned insightful reviews for 29 submissions. Each paper received between three and four reviews, thus providing ample and valuable feedback to the authors, and ensuring high confidence on the outcome of the review process. Out of the 29 submissions, 10 were accepted. The technical program comprises five technical sessions that cover a number of hot topics in high-performance interconnection networks. The paper sessions open with hardware related papers, and are followed by a session on frameworks and architectures. Our second day has three sessions: one session is dedicated to advances in machine learning for networks; a second session centers on topologies and routing; and our last session concentrates on containers and virtualization. In addition to the technical papers sessions we have two distinguished keynote speakers, Michael Kagan (NVIDIA) and Brian Barrett (AWS EC2), in addition to two invited talks on cutting-edge network design.
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