Factors Associated with Risky Sexual Behavior among Adolescents in Mbujimayi “Case of the Pupils of the School Complex of Manzonzo” (Democratic Republic of Congo)

Open Access Library Journal(2021)

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Unusual sexual behavior is a major problem in the life of society, both in developed and developing countries, in its magnitude. The aim of this study is to describe the factors associated with risky sexual behavior in adolescents. This is a descriptive study carried out in the town of Mbujimayi with teenage students. The following observations were made: 315 adolescent students aged 12 to 19 responded with informed consent to our questionnaire, of which 73 reported having had their first sexual intercourse. After analyzing the data, we arrived at the following results: 23.2% had already had their first sexual intercourse; adolescents aged 12 to 14 occupied the first place with 53.4%; 58.9% were men and 41.1% were women (gender ratio of 1.4 in favor of men); 23.2% had ever had sex; 64.4% of sex was done with friends; 83.6% of sexual intercourse was voluntary and 16.4% forced; 64.4% of sexual relations were the occasion of a friendly meeting; 49.3% of sexual relations were concluded on the initiative of friends; 56.2% of respondents put society as the main factor, followed by sexual pleasure with 34.2% of respondents; 79.5% of intercourse was unprotected.
risky sexual behavior,adolescents,school complex,mbujimayi
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