Interaction of NHE1 and TRPA1 Activity in DRG Neurons Isolated from Adult Rats and its Role in Inflammatory Nociception


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•Zoniporide reduced pHi and increased intracellular calcium concentration in small DRG neurons sensitive to AITC.•A-967079 prevented zoniporide-induced increased intracellular calcium in small DRG neurons.•Zoniporide reduced TRPA1 channel desensitization induced by AITC in DRG neurons.•Zoniporide increased CFA-induced mechanical hypersensitivity, and this effect is prevented by a TRPA1 blocker.•CFA up-regulated TRPA1 and down-regulated NHE1 protein expression in DRG.
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A-967079,AITC,BCECF-AM, 2′,7′-Bis-(2-Carboxyethyl)-5-(and-6)-Carboxyfluorescein,CFA,DRG,Fura-2 AM,NHE,TRPA1,Zoniporide
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