Lower-Limb Medical and Rehabilitation Exoskeletons: A Review of the Current Designs

IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering(2021)

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Medical and rehabilitation exoskeletons are being increasingly considered by therapists when choosing a treatment for individuals affected by lower limb impairments. Although all such exoskeletons seem to provide similar features and performance, there are, in practice, significant differences among them in terms of maximum walking speed, maximum torque, weight, autonomy, interaction with the user, or even the way to use it. In this review, the state of the art of the main commercial exoskeletons is described, while analyzing their properties, advantages, and disadvantages. Three groups are considered: complete exoskeletons, partial exoskeletons and open lines of research. A comparative analysis between them is performed while considering the main scientific and technical aspects to be improved. In conclusion to this analysis, the balance between feasibility and innovation in exoskeletons development is a design challenge. Commercial exoskeletons must fulfil standards whilst ensuring their safety and robustness. However, achieving a new generation of exoskeletons means a need to implement new hardware paradigms, and to enhance control strategies focused on assist-as-needed scheme. Finally, some aspects to improve current designs of the exoskeleton are presented.
Exoskeleton,rehabilitation,lower limb,assistance robots,state of the art
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