The Operational Feasibility of Vaccination Programs Targeting Influenza Risk Groups in the World Health Organization (WHO) African and South-East Asian Regions


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We investigated the operational feasibility of preseasonal influenza vaccination campaigns in countries in World Health Organization (WHO) African and South-East Asian Regions. Influenza vaccination campaigns targeting most risk groups substantially increase doses and doses per vaccinator over routine immunization baselines. Background Influenza vaccination is uncommon in low-resource settings. We evaluated aspects of operational feasibility of influenza vaccination programs targeting risk groups in the World Health Organization (WHO) African (AFR) and South-East Asian (SEAR) Regions. Methods We estimated routine immunization and influenza vaccination campaign doses, doses per vaccinator, and cold storage requirements for 1 simulated country in each region using evidence-based population distribution, vaccination schedule, and vaccine volumes. Influenza vaccination targeted persons <5 years, pregnant women, persons with chronic diseases, persons >= 65 years, and healthcare workers (HCW). For the AFR country, we compared vaccine volumes to actual storage capacities. Results Targeting HCW had a small operational impact, and subsequent findings exclude this group. During 3-month influenza vaccination campaigns, monthly doses delivered in the AFR country increased from 15.0% for >= 65 years to 93.1% for Conclusions Influenza vaccination of most risk groups will require substantial increases in doses, doses per vaccinator, and cold storage capacity in countries where infrastructure and resources are limited.
influenza vaccine, Africa, South-East Asia, immunization, influenza
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