Pregnancy And Cancer: Cellular Biology And Mechanisms Affecting The Placenta


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Simple SummaryThe main point of this review was to describe most of the mechanisms of the biology of trophoblast cells and neoplastic cells, which point out some similarities between them and the way in which both complex metabolic states could interfere with each other. We show the need for more studies about cancer during pregnancy. In addition, the magnitude of how tumour factors can interfere with the course of pregnancy and affect the foetus's nutrition and health is the most important point that should be studied to better understand and improve treatment for this complex condition. In this context, we have highlighted the importance of maternal nutritional supplementation with leucine, a branched-chain amino acid that improves the placenta's metabolism and protects the mother and foetus against the harmful effects of cancer during pregnancy.Cancer during pregnancy is rarely studied due to its low incidence (1:1000). However, as a result of different sociocultural and economic changes, women are postponing pregnancy, so the number of pregnant women with cancer has been increasing in recent years. The importance of studying cancer during pregnancy is not only based on maternal and foetal prognosis, but also on the evolutionary mechanisms of the cell biology of trophoblasts and neoplastic cells, which point out similarities between and suggest new fields for the study of cancer. Moreover, the magnitude of how cancer factors can affect trophoblastic cells, and vice versa, in altering the foetus's nutrition and health is still a subject to be understood. In this context, the objective of this narrative review was to show that some researchers point out the importance of supplementing branched-chain amino acids, especially leucine, in experimental models of pregnancy associated with women with cancer. A leucine-rich diet may be an interesting strategy to preserve physiological placenta metabolism for protecting the mother and foetus from the harmful effects of cancer during pregnancy.
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cancer during pregnancy, placenta, leucine supplementation, cellular biology
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