Comparative Cytogenetics In Four Leptodactylus Species (Amphibia, Anura, Leptodactylidae): Evidence Of Inner Chromosomal Diversification In Highly Conserved Karyotypes

David S da Silva, Heriberto F da Silva Filho,Marcelo B Cioffi,Edivaldo H C de Oliveira,Anderson J B Gomes


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With 82 species currently described, the genus Leptodactylus is the most diverse and representative one in the family Leptodactylidae. Concerning chromosomal organization, this genus represents an interesting and underexplored group since data from molecular cytogenetics are incipient, and little is known about the organization and distribution of repetitive DNA elements in the karyotypes. In this sense, this study aimed at providing a comparative analysis in 4 Leptodactylus species (L. macrosternum, L. pentadactylus, L. fuscus, and Leptodactylus cf. podicipinus), combining conventional cytogenetics (Giemsa staining, C-banding, and AgNOR staining) and mapping of molecular markers (18S rDNA, telomeric and microsatellite probes), to investigate mechanisms underlying their karyotype differentiation process. The results showed that all species had karyotypes with 2n = 22 and FN = 44, except for Leptodactylus cf. podicipinus which presented FN = 36. The 18S rDNA was observed in pair 8 of all analyzed species (corresponding to pair 4 in L. pentadactylus), coinciding with the secondary constrictions and AgNOR staining. FISH with microsatellite DNA probes demonstrated species-specific patterns, as well as an association of these repetitive sequences with constitutive heterochromatin blocks and ribosomal DNA clusters, revealing the dynamics of microsatellites in the genome of the analyzed species. In summary, our data demonstrate an ongoing process of genomic divergence inside species with almost similar karyotype, driven most likely by a series of pericentric inversions, followed by differential accumulation of repetitive sequences.
Chromosomal markers, Constitutive heterochromatin, Microsatellite, Nucleolus organizer regions, 18, 28S rDNA
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