O comportamento dos alunos de Ensino Médio nas aulas de Educação Física: análise do SOFIT

on The Horizon(2020)

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The current Physical Education addresses important roles in social formation and practices of regular physical activity, showing that through the teacher students learn to agree in a group, respect indifference and a very important aspect not to stop practicing regular physical activities not only in the school environment . The present work aims to show the reality in the school environment experience of high school students in Physical Education classes. Assessing the level of physical activity, through the SOFIT evaluation system and relating the results to the theoretical foundations, thus obtaining the true role of Physical Education practice in the development of socialization among students. Relating the importance of Physical Education classes and the applicability of activities that work on interpersonal relationships making students more active and mainly forming conscious and autonomous citizens, through the practice of physical activity. It is clear that there is little participation and interest in the practice of Physical Education classes in high school, due to the lack of activities that stimulate students. In the study, the Quanti-Qualitative, Exploratory and Observational approach is highlighted, in which (15 girls and 15 boys) from a high school in the city of Itapeva / SP were observed, which were evaluated through the system SOFIT. There was a low proportion of students who actively participated in Physical Education classes with regard to student behavior, with approximately (40%), and they remained lying down (20%), sitting (93.3%), standing (63.3%) and walking (63.3%). Regarding the contexts worked in classes, the results indicated more the practice of games (73.3%) and other contexts (33.3%). As for the teacher\u0027s behavior at classes, they occurred in management (13.3%), observation (86.7%) and other tasks (60%). It is concluded that few high school students in the school surveyed practice regular physical activities, due to the lack of application of content and activities that instigate participation in classes. The teacher becomes very important in the creation, applicability and interference of the activities worked in class, leading the student to participate and relate building according to the time I like to practice regular physical activity, especially when talking about students who are soon going to include in adult society.
de educação,comportamento,análise,ensino
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