The Development of the Masters’ Professional Competence by Means of the Information and Communication Technologies

The International Journal of Higher Education(2020)

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Summarizing the results of the theoretical and experimental research confirmed the probability of the leading principles of the general and partial hypotheses, proved the effectiveness of solving the set tasks and made it possible to formulate the conclusions.the pedagogical system of development of professional competence of Masters-translators by the means of information and communication technologies, characterized by functionality, complexity, openness, unity and at the same time comparative independence of the structural components, was modeled. The system covers five subsystems: targeted, conceptual and methodological, content, operational and technological, evaluating and efficient. The experimental verification of the effectiveness of the proposed pedagogical system revealed significant quantitative and qualitative changes: the majority of the students of the experimental groups after their studies were completed acquired a level of the professional competence development above satisfactory, in particular, a noticeable increase of students with an average and high level was recorded. The received results were the consequence of the effective author’s pedagogical system and the model of development of professional competence of Masters-translators by the means of information and communication technologies, and therefore with the help of the created pedagogical conditions and educational and methodical support.
professional competence,masters,communication technologies
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