Slow-To-Fast Deformation In Mafic Fault Rocks On An Active Low-Angle Normal Fault, Woodlark Rift, Se Papua New Guinea


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Slip on the active Mai'iu low-angle normal fault in Papua New Guinea that dips 15-24 degrees at the surface has exhumed in its footwall a single, continuous fault surface across a >25-km-wide dome. Derived from a metabasaltic protolith, the fault zone consists of a <3-m-thick zone of gouges and cataclasites that overprint a structurally underlying carapace of extensional mylonites. Detailed microstructural and geochemical data, combined with chlorite-based geothermometry, reveal changing deformation processes and conditions in the Mai'iu fault rocks as they were exhumed. The microstructure of nonplastically deformed actinolite grains inherited from the fine-grained (6-35 mu m) metabasaltic protolith indicates that shearing at depth was controlled by diffusion creep accompanied by grain-boundary sliding of these grains together with chlorite neo-crystallization at T > 275 degrees C-370 degrees C. In a foliated cataclasite unit at shallower crustal levels (T approximate to 150 degrees C-275 degrees C), metasomatic reactions accompanied fluid-assisted mass transfer processes that accommodated aseismic, distributed shearing; pseudotachylites and ultracataclasites in the same unit indicate that such creep was punctuated by episodes of seismic slip-after which creep resumed. At the shallowest levels (T < 150 degrees C), gouges contain abundant saponite, a frictionally weak mineral that promotes creep on the shallowest dipping (<= 24 degrees), most poorly oriented part of the Mai'iu fault. Our field, microstructural and geochemical data of freshly exhumed fault rocks support geodetic, seismological, and geomorphic evidence for mixed seismic-to-aseismic slip on this active low-angle normal fault.
low&#8208, angle normal faults, diffusion creep, grain&#8208, boundary sliding, fluid&#8208, assisted mass transfer, pseudotachylites, seismic&#8208, to&#8208, aseismic slip
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