Oecologia Australis(2020)

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Os culicideos sao insetos hematofagos chamados de mosquitos. Eles sao vetores responsaveis pela transmissao de diversos patogenos aos animais e ao homem. As femeas destes dipteros fazem oviposicao em recipientes introduzidos pelo humano no ambiente natural. Estes reservatorios de agua transformam-se em novos criadouros. Desta forma, o objetivo desta pesquisa e descrever a diversidade de especies de culicideos no municipio de Ribeirao Claro, Parana, encontradas em criadouros artificiais instalados em ambientes com diferentes niveis de impacto antropico. Foram instaladas armadilhas em quatro pontos da cidade com caracteristicas urbanas, periurbanas, rurais e silvestres respectivamente e em cada ponto distribuiram-se tres recipientes artificiais para servir de criadouros. A captura das larvas nestes recipientes foi realizada quinzenalmente, sendo o periodo de coleta desenvolvido de fevereiro a setembro de 2018. As metricas de comunidade realizadas foram: riqueza, abundância total e relativa, diversidade, equitabilidade, dominância e a similaridade. Tambem foi analisada a presenca de especies indicadoras para cada ambiente avaliado. Foram coletados 472 culicideos imaturos, distribuidos nos taxa : Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762) , Aedes albopictus (Skuse, 1894), Culex quinquefasciatus Say, 1823 , Culex coronator Dyar \u0026 Knab, 1906, Toxorhynchites sp., Anopheles argyritarsis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1827, Aedes fluviatilis (Lutz, 1904) e Uranotaenia sp. A maior abundância ocorreu na area periurbana sendo a especie Aedes aegypti a de maior ocorrencia. Foram apontados como bioindicadores o Aedes aegypti para o ambiente periurbano, o Aedes albopictus para a area rural e o Toxorhynchites sp. para o ambiente silvestre. A maior riqueza e diversidade foram observadas no ambiente silvestre mostrando que alteracoes nestes locais podem favorecer a presenca de insetos de importância para a saude publica. STRUCTURE OF COMMUNITIES AND INDICATING SPECIES OF CULICIDES (DIPTERA: NEMATOCERA) IN ENVIRONMENTS WITH DIFFERENT DEGREES OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Culicidae are hematophagous insects called mosquitoes. They are vectors responsible for transmitting various pathogens to animals and humans. The females of these Diptera oviposit in containers introduced by humans in the natural environment. These water recipients are transformed into new breeding sites. Thus, the objective of this research is to describe the diversity of Culicidae species in the city of Ribeirao Claro, Parana, found in artificial breeding grounds located in environments with different levels of anthropic impact. Traps were installed in four parts of the city with urban, peri-urban, rural and wild characteristics respectively and at each point three artificial containers were distributed to serve as breeding sites. The capture of the larvae in these containers was carried out biweekly, with the sampling period being developed from February to September 2018. The communities metrics were: species richness, total and relative abundance, diversity, equitability, dominance and similarity. Indicator species presence for each evaluated environment was also analyzed. A total of 472 immature Culicidae were collected, distributed among Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762) , Aedes albopictus (Skuse, 1894), Culex quinquefasciatus Say, 1823 , Culex coronator Dyar \u0026 Knab, 1906, Toxorhynchites sp., Anopheles argyritarsis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1827, Aedes fluviatilis (Lutz, 1904) e Uranotaenia sp. The greatest abundance occurred in the periurban area and the species Aedes aegypti had the highest occurrence. The bioindicators were Aedes aegypti for the periurban environment, Aedes albopictus for the rural area and Toxorhynchites sp. to the wild environment. The greatest richness and diversity were observed in the wild environment showing that changes in these sites may favor the presence of insects of public health importance.
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Insect Succession
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