The Burden of Being a Bridge: Understanding the Role of Multilingual Users during the COVID-19 Pandemic


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The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic triggers infodemic over online social networks. It is thus important for governments to ensure their official messages outpace misinformation and efficiently reach the public. Some countries and regions that are currently worst affected by the virus including Europe, South America and India, encounter an additional difficulty: multilingualism. Understanding the specific role of multilingual users in the process of information diffusion is critical to adjust their publishing strategies for the governments of such countries and regions. In this paper, we investigate the role of multilingual users in diffusing information during the COVID-19 pandemic on popular social networks. We collect a large-scale dataset of Twitter from a populated multilingual region from the beginning of the pandemic. With this dataset, we successfully show that multilingual users act as bridges in diffusing COVID-19 related information. We further study the mental health of multilingual users and show that being the bridges, multilingual users tend to be more negative. This is confirmed by a recent psychological study stating that excessive exposure to social media may result in a negative mood.
multilingual users,pandemic,burden
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