Deep Learning for Human Activity Recognition


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This chapter focuses on the problem of human activity recognition (HAR), in which inputs in the form of multichannel time series signals are acquired from a set of body-worn wearable sensors and outputs are predefined human activities. In this problem, extracting effective features for identifying activities is a critical but challenging task. Most existing work relies on heuristic hand-crafted feature design and shallow feature learning architectures, which cannot find very discriminative features to accurately classify different activities. In this chapter, we propose a systematic feature learning method for the HAR problem. This method adopts a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) to automate feature learning from the raw inputs in a systematic way. Through the deep architecture, higher level abstract representations of low level raw time series signals are learned as effective features without the need for hand-crafting features. By leveraging the labeled information via supervised learning, the learned features are endowed with more discriminative power. Such a unification of feature learning and classification results in mutual enhancements in both. These unique advantages of the CNN lead to a mutually enhanced outcome of HAR, as verified in the experiments on multiple HAR datasets and comparisons with several state-of-the-art techniques.
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