Immortalization of shrimp lymphoid cells by hybridizing with the continuous cell line Sf9 leading to the development of ‘PmLyO-Sf9 ’

Fish & Shellfish Immunology(2021)

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Shrimp progressively gets more attention among marine invertebrates from researchers all over the world due to it being a healthy food as well as having economic importance. There were a lot of attempts to develop a continuous cell line from shrimp but none successful. In this context a novel hybrid cell line named ‘PmLyO-Sf9’ could be developed by fusing shrimp lymphoid organ cells with Sf9 cells after to metabolic blocking of Sf9 cells using puromycin and actinomycin D and effecting the fusion by way of PEG application. The cells are maintained and multiplied in a mixture of SCCM and TNM-FH having osmolality 550 mOsm kg−1 and pH 6.8. Transmission electron microscopy of the hybrid cells revealed the presence of two nuclei during the initial stages and a single nucleus subsequently. The cell line is with shrimp and Sf9 genomic components and shrimp specific protein and is susceptible to WSSV. Shrimp elongation factor, Sf9 beta-actin, shrimp STAT and peroxinectin could be expresses through RT-PCR in the cell line. This is the first successful report of a hybrid cell line with shrimp genomic components and envisaged to be recognized a model system for multitudes of biomedical research in vitro. The cell line is in the National Cell Line Repository of ICAR – National Bureaue of Fish Genetic Resources, Lucknow, India.
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Key words
Shrimp cell culture,Hybrid cell line,Sf9 cells,Cell fusion and TEM
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