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Mapping time-dependent quasi-energies of laser dressed helium


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Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) transient absorption spectrum of helium dressed by a moderately intense infrared laser pulse is investigated. Strategies for correct retrieval of the time-dependent quasi-energies of helium with excitation energies covering both singly and doubly excited states are proposed. For long-lived singly excited states, the profound hyperbolic structures due to long lasting dipole can be diminished by convoluting the transient absorption spectrogram with a spectral window, allowing the time-dependent quasi-energies close to 1s2p resonance to be correctly mapped out. For short-lived doubly excited states near 2s2p resonance, the radiation dipole decays rapidly due to autoionization and the transient absorption spectrogram already recovers the main structure of quasi-energies without the convolution operation. The quantum simulation indicates that the convolution operation controls the effective decay speed of the dipole moment, which effectively builds up an instant probe that is essential for mapping time dependent quasi-energies of laser dressed systems. (C) 2021 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
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